Alice C


Alice C
130 x 120 cm
oil on unprimed linen

“The Unmasking”
Online Exclusive @artsy
November 21st – December 18th, 2020

The year 2020 has been troubling and turbulent.
Its global consequences have affected everyone on the planet.
I came to realize that my perception of people, circumstances and even
art had changed due to the pandemic.

Once I became aware of my new way of experiencing the world around me, I used the lockdown time to review my beliefs and views on many topics and individuals in my life.

My conclusion is that the pandemic has succeeded in bringing out the best and the worst in us.
It was impossible to uphold the usual routines and habits of life as we knew it, and the sense of urgency for “doing it now or never” became outdated. The rules that dictated our 21st century lives were basically disabled. Those who tried to continue living as if the pandemic was not a part of their lives grew impatient and even aggressive at times.

By observing and experiencing the multitude of feelings, voices, news, hope and desperation that arose during this period, I saw a gradually evolving global mindset that grew stronger and bolder as the time passed. It can be summed up in these words: everything happens for a reason.

This phrase, which we have all heard time and again throughout our lives, was suddenly filled with deeper meaning.
We need to let go of those things that no longer serve us and make room for new methods, approaches and opportunities. The greatest challenge is accepting what we cannot change and embracing new dreams, regardless of how difficult the circumstances are.